Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 05 October 2023

This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") applies to the processing of personal data by joblinx when providing our services through our website at (the "Website"). Please review this Policy to understand how we handle your personal data.

Personal Data We Collect and How We Use It

We collect and process personal data to deliver our services effectively. The types of personal data we collect may change based on your interactions with the Website, and our services may evolve over time. While you're not obligated to provide us with personal data, not doing so may limit your access to certain features or our ability to respond to your requests.

We May Collect Personal Data in the Following Categories:

Personal Data Categories Examples of Personal Data in the Category Applicable Data Regulations
Communication Activity Interactions with communications, downloaded service info, contact details, etc. Commercial data, personal identifiers, online activity
Demographics Race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, personality traits, religion, marital status, etc. Sensitive personal information, characteristics protected by law
Direct Messages Direct messages and associated content Identifiers

Job Applications
Jobs you’ve applied to and associated interactions, including the Resumes and other data you supply during the application process Special Category Data / Sensitive Personal Information
Professional or employment-related information

Job Interests & Activity
Job preferences and your activity interacting with jobs (e.g. searching for or saving a job) Inferences, professional or employment-related information, 

Job Postings
Your job postings on the services Professional or employment-related information

Profile Information
Name, email address, Resume, current/past job title, picture, phone number, username, age, gender, work/education experience, social media, language, account settings, communications preferences, etc. Special Category Data / Sensitive Personal Information
Commercial information, education information, identifiers, 

Sales & Support History
Purchase history, payment details, and other sales support interactions Sensitive Personal Information
Commercial information, identifiers, internet activity

Security & Login Information
Your login events, password changes, email changes, and device information (including IP address and associated inferred coarse location) Sensitive Personal Information
Geolocation, Identifiers, internet activity, inferences

Service Activity
Pages you viewed, Content or ads you interacted with, searches, groups you visited, log info, screen recordings, text entered, etc. Internet activity, inferences

Submitted Content
Employer reviews, salary reports, benefit reviews, interview reviews, photos, posts, comments, documents, audio, video, etc. submitted to the services Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information; professional or employment-related information
User Support & Feedback Your support requests and feedback you provide us Commercial information, identifiers, 

How We Use Personal Data

Advertising (On & Off the Services)

We utilize your personal data to facilitate our advertising efforts, both within and beyond our services, including job and display advertisements, as well as sponsored content.

  • We personalize ads for our services and the ads available within our services using the personal data gathered from you, our affiliates, and third-party sources.
  • We analyze data collected via our services and through partnerships with third-party ad providers (including affiliates) to assess the effectiveness of advertisements and identify your device(s) for serving ads on and off our services. Some ad partners may enable us to acquire similar data directly from their websites or applications by integrating our advertising technology or that of our affiliates.
  • Personal data obtained from ad partners, affiliates, or collected by us from their websites and apps may be combined with other data you share, we generate, or infer about you, in accordance with this Policy.
  • If you engage with ads from third parties or share information with them via our services, these third parties will receive data about you as governed by their respective privacy policies.

Creating an Account & Profile

To access most of our services, you are required to create an account and provide personal data.

  • To grant you access to various features across our services, we may establish and link multiple service accounts for you.
  • If you sign up or log in to our services via a third-party service, that service may share certain personal data with us, such as your name and email address. You retain control over the personal data you choose to share with us through your third-party service accounts.
  • Upon setting up an account on our services, a member "Profile" is generated for you, encompassing the personal data you provide. We may update your Profile using data from third parties or extracted from your Resume. Additionally, personal data shared with us via our other services may be incorporated into your Profile.
  • We may verify your employment history or status using various methods, including third-party integrations or services. We may also consider signals received from your present or previous employer.
  • Segments of your Profile may be viewable to other users and the public, depending on the services you use and the privacy preferences you select. In certain cases, we may allow you to share your Profile with third parties or provide options to adjust the visibility settings of your Profile. However, your Profile will not publicly reveal or link to content submitted semi-anonymously or anonymously on our services.

Communicating with joblinx & Affiliates

We and our affiliates communicate service-related and promotional messages to our users. Promotional communications may also be sent to potential users and customers to introduce them to our services.

  • These communications may be delivered through various means, such as email, text messages, phone calls, push notifications, direct messages, and more.
    • If you wish to stop receiving text messages, simply reply with "STOP" from the device that receives the messages.
    • To unsubscribe from emails, use the provided unsubscribe or email settings link in the received email(s). If you opt out of a specific type of email communication (e.g., a particular job alert), you may still receive other emails. You may also manage your email preferences through our services' settings function.
    • To disable push notifications, adjust the settings within the app and/or your device's operating system settings.
  • Certain essential communications, necessary for your use of our services, cannot be unsubscribed from unless you delete your account(s). These communications may include updates about changes to this Policy.
  • If you engage with our chat feature, we, along with our service providers, may record your chats and maintain transcripts.

Communications with, or Initiated by, Third Parties

We may permit users or customers to invite potential users to join our services. This might involve inviting them to join groups, submit content, or create accounts. For such invitations, we may process the content of the invitation and the contact information of the invitee. We may also enable you to sync or upload a contact list to facilitate these communications.

Communicating with Other Users

We may offer users the capability to communicate with one another. Messages you send to other users are visible to them, and recipients can potentially share these messages beyond our services. Please exercise caution and only share information you're comfortable with.

Demographic Data

You have the option to provide us with demographic data, and you can modify or remove previously provided demographic information. If you provide demographic data, we will employ it across our services for various purposes, including:

  • Offering insights into wage disparities, such as gender and racial/ethnic wage gaps.
  • Performing demographic-based analysis of jobs, companies, and content. This analysis may highlight employers that prioritize diversity, support specific groups, or minimize wage discrepancies.
  • Supplying diversity, equity, and inclusion metrics and ratings. These insights can help users understand diversity-related aspects of particular industries or companies.
  • Enabling search and filtering features that allow users to narrow down content or companies based on specific employer qualities, employee experiences, and demographic attributes. As users provide demographic data, their content may be associated with aggregated categories, aiding in filtering and categorization.
  • Enhancing disclosure of employer/employee diversity through public and user engagement. This might involve employers sharing internal demographic data, diversity initiatives, and employee testimonials.
  • Customizing recommendations and ads for job opportunities. For instance, aiding companies in promoting job visibility for veterans.

We take precautions to safeguard your demographic data and prevent unintentional identification on our services. For instance, in cases where there may be an insufficient number of user submissions, we may limit the visibility of specific demographic attributes to avoid inadvertently revealing enough information about an individual to identify them. While we prioritize your anonymity and make every effort to ensure that demographic data doesn't lead to identification, there may be instances where user identification or demographic data disclosure occurs.

  • Users have the freedom to self-identify within the content they submit or in their communications.
  • To provide voice and agency to those who, despite the risks of identification, choose to share their opinions and experiences, we may offer an option for users to opt into the disclosure of their demographic data, even if it might result in loss of anonymity.
  • While we strive to plan for all possibilities, we acknowledge that we are not infallible. The protective measures we implement to preserve your identity and the performance of our service may not always operate as intended when combined with the complex realities of countless unique workplaces and lives. As we accumulate more personal data about our users that will be publicly displayed, there might be instances where our mechanisms designed to protect anonymity are not perfect. It is never our intention for identities to be inadvertently disclosed, and we take numerous steps to prevent this. However, for transparency's sake, we want to ensure you are fully aware of the potential risk of unintended identification.

Researching & Applying to Jobs

  • When you search for information on our services or those of our affiliates, we may use your searches and other activities both on and off our services (including interactions on affiliates' services or with ads) to personalize your experience and the job recommendations we provide.
  • We offer the ability to submit job applications through our services, often in collaboration with our affiliates. Upon clicking the "apply" button (or a similar function) to submit an application, our affiliates process your application (subject to their individual privacy policies) and forward it to the most appropriate contact information we and/or our affiliates have for that employer.

Submitting & Engaging with Content

At joblinx, we provide our users with a range of options to submit and engage with content. We kindly ask that you only submit content on our platform that you are comfortable sharing with others, including the broader public.

  • Depending on the features you use, we offer various ways for you to control how your personal information and identity are presented to other users, potential employers, and the general public. Content submitted using semi-/anonymous identifiers, such as your company name or job title, is not linked to the publicly visible section of your profile.
    • For content such as posts, comments, or questions, you can often choose how to represent yourself by selecting from different anonymity options. For instance, some of our services allow you to submit content using your company name, job title, or full name.
    • When submitting other types of content, like reviews, you may be required to include specific personal details meant for public display, such as your employer, job title, and location.
    • In specific groups, you may have the opportunity to interact with other users.
      • We might enable you to make your profile visible to other members of the group, facilitating interaction.
      • Group administrators might limit access and approve new members. If you request access to a group, your profile and any answers to approval questions may be shared with the group leader(s).
    • While we strive to provide a usable service while maintaining anonymity, please be aware that we cannot guarantee complete anonymity. Depending on the context of your situation, the information disclosed in your content, and the semi-/anonymous identifiers you use, someone may be able to identify you or narrow down your identity to a specific group (e.g., employees in a particular department at your company). Please carefully consider this risk before submitting content on our platform.
  • You may also have the option to participate in live audio or video conversations. If you choose to engage in the discussion, your audio or video may be processed; otherwise, your profile will appear in the listener's section of the service.
    • Some live audio/video events hosted on or through our platform may be recorded.
  • We may also display certain linked information in-line on our platform through "embeds." It's important to note that we generally do not control how third-party services collect data when they provide you with information directly through these embeds. Consequently, information embedded in this manner is governed by the policies of the service from which the information originates, rather than this policy.
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Advertising (on and off our services)
Personal Data Categories Collected
Communications Activity
Demographics (veteran status only)
Job Interests & Activity
Profile Information
Service Activity
Security & Login Information
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Affiliates, Customers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Advertising Partners & Ad Exchanges
Analytics & Optimization Providers
Customer Relationship Management & Sales Transaction / Optimization Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Where personal data is used for behavioral or targeted advertising, and is shared with Advertising Partners & Ad Exchanges and Affiliates
Profile Information, Communications Activity, Job Interests & Activity, Profile Information, Service Activity, Security & Login Information
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
Where we and our affiliates use personal data collected via our services to personalize or target advertising on or off our services, it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests

Where we utilize cookies to provide advertising in jurisdictions w here consent to cookies is required  Consent of the individual.
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Account & Profile
Personal Data Categories Collected
Profile Information
Security & Login Information
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Affiliates, Customers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Analytics & Optimization Providers
Cloud Storage & Computing Services and Associated Tools & Software Providers
Fraud Detection & Security Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Communications with joblinx and affiliates
Personal Data Categories Collected
Communications Activity
Profile Information
Sales & Support History
Security & Login Information
Source of Personal Data Categories
Communications with existing users and customers

Users, Affiliates, Customers, 
Communications with prospective users and customers

Prospective Users / Customers, Affiliates, Third-party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Analytics & Optimization Providers
Cloud Storage & Computing Services and Associated Tools & Software Providers
Customer Relationship Management & Sales Transaction / Optimization Providers
Email & Email Delivery Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Marketing and Prospecting Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
When personal data is shared with Affiliates for the purposes of contacting prospective users and customers
Communications ActivityProfile InformationSales & Support History
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
Service-related communications with existing users and customers, or prospective customers seeking our services
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
Where we and/or our affiliates utilize cross-service data to personalize service and promotional communications; Communications with prospective customers not initially seeking our services in jurisdictions where opt-out communications are permitted
It is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests
Promotional communications with existing users and customers in jurisdictions where consent is required
Consent of the individual.
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Communications With, Or Initiated By, Third Parties
Personal Data Categories Collected
Communications Activity
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Customers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Customer Relationship Management & Sales Transaction / Optimization Providers
Email & Email Delivery Providers
Marketing and Prospecting Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Communicating with other Users
Personal Data Categories Collected
Direct Messages
Security & Login Information
Submitted Content
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Customers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Cloud Storage & Computing Services and Associated Tools & Software Providers
Email & Email Delivery Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Content Moderation
Personal Data Categories Collected
Submitted Content
Profile Information
Service Activity
Security & Login Information
User Support & Feedback
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Customers, Employers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Cloud Storage & Computing Services and Associated Tools & Software Providers
Content Moderation & Support Providers
Customer Relationship Management & Sales Transaction / Optimization Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Customer Relationship Management
Personal Data Categories Collected
Profile Information
Sales & Support History
User Support & Feedback
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Affiliates, Customers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Customer Relationship Management & Sales Transaction / Optimization Providers
Email & Email Delivery Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Marketing and Prospecting Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Demographic Data
Personal Data Categories Collected
Submitted Content
Source of Personal Data Categories
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Cloud Storage & Computing Platforms & Associated Tools and Software Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
Consent of the individual.
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Individuals Featured in Content
Personal Data Categories Collected
Service Activity
Submitted Content
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Customers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Cloud Storage & Computing Platforms & Associated Tools and Software Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Researching & Applying to Jobs
Personal Data Categories Collected
Communications Activity
Job Applications
Job Postings
Profile Information
Security & Login Information
Service Activity
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Affiliates, Customers, Third-Party Data Providers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Analytics & Optimization Providers
Cloud Storage & Computing Services and Associated Tools & Software Providers
Content Moderation & Support Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
Where we utilize your activities on our affiliates’ services to personalize your search results and recommendations
It is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
Submitting Content
Personal Data Categories Collected
Communications Activity
Security & Login Information
Service Activity
Submitted Content
User Support & Feedback
Source of Personal Data Categories
Users, Customers
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Analytics & Optimization Providers
Cloud Storage & Computing Platforms & Associated Tools and Software Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual
How We Use Personal Data(i.e., the purpose)1 
User Relationship Management
Personal Data Categories Collected
Profile Information
Security & Login Information
Service Activity
Submitted Content
User Support & Feedback
Source of Personal Data Categories
Who We Share Personal Data Categories With2
Cloud Storage & Computing Platforms & Associated Tools and Software Providers
Information Technology Service & Support Providers
Personal Data Categories “Sold”3 & “Shared”4
Legal Basis For Processing Personal Data (as applicable)5
It is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual

Notes regarding the table above:

  1. When we process your data for a specific purpose, we, our affiliates, and our partners may also process it to improve our respective services and/or conduct research.
  2. We use both affiliated and unaffiliated service providers. When an affiliate serves as a service provider, they are classified under the relevant service provider category. If we share data with them outside of a service provider role, we categorize them under the affiliate category.
  3. At joblinx, our mission is to assist individuals worldwide in finding a job and company that aligns with their preferences. To further this goal, we share data with certain affiliates who share our objectives. Our affiliates encompass companies owned by the same parent organization as joblinx For more information about our affiliates and our shared dedication to privacy, please visit our Privacy Center. In certain jurisdictions, this type of data sharing may be considered a “sale.”
  4. “Sharing” data, as defined by relevant laws, is also referred to as targeted or behavioral advertising.
  5. In specific jurisdictions, we are required to identify the legal basis for our processing activities.
    1. Performance of a Contract: The majority of the personal data we process is necessary for providing our services and is essential for executing agreements with you (including our Terms and this Policy), or to take pre-contractual measures at your request.
    2. Legitimate Interest: Some of the personal data we process is required for legitimate interests pursued by us or our affiliates. This may encompass situations where we believe you have a reasonable expectation of such processing. We only rely on this legal basis after conducting a legitimate interests assessment, which balances the interests and rights involved with the necessity of the processing.
    3. Consent: In certain circumstances, we rely on your consent to process your personal data. When we need your consent to collect and process specific personal data, we seek your consent during data provision. Processing under this legal basis only occurs when consent is obtained unless another lawful basis applies. For example, depending on the laws in your country, we may seek your consent before placing certain types of cookies on your device.
    4. Compliance with a Legal Obligation: On occasion, we must process personal data to fulfill a legal obligation, such as a law, regulation, legal process, or court order.
    5. Vital Interests: In limited circumstances, we may rely on the vital interests of our users or the public to protect someone's life.

Other Scenarios for Data Disclosure

We may disclose data if, in good faith, we believe such disclosure is necessary to:

  1. Comply with applicable laws or respond to subpoenas, warrants, or legal processes served on us (while reserving the right, at our sole discretion, to take action on behalf of our users and their potential right to anonymity when there is a legitimate basis to do so)
  2. Enforce our Terms of Use, this Policy, and any other agreements we may have;
  3. Prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity;
  4. Act in a manner we consider necessary and permissible under applicable laws to protect and defend our rights, the rights of our service users, or third parties; or
  5. Take actions permitted under applicable laws to fulfill national security and related requirements.

We may also disclose personal data in the event of a company reorganization or sale, subject to the acquiring entity and its affiliates (as applicable) agreeing to uphold the commitments outlined in this Policy and complying with relevant laws.

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your devices when you visit a page. We may use cookies, web beacons, mobile identifiers, and similar technologies (collectively “cookies”) to help us recognize you, enhance your user experience, understand usage of our services, and show you relevant advertising. Providing your data via cookies is voluntary, except for cookies that we place on your device due to the necessity for the performance of our services.

  • Cookies may also be set by other websites or services that provide information on the page you're visiting.
  • After registering on our services, we may link data collected from cookies set by us and our partners with other data received from you.
  • We utilize two types of cookies on our services: “session cookies” and “persistent cookies.” Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain on your device until you leave the services. A persistent cookie remains on your device for a longer period or until you manually delete it (the cookie's lifetime depends on its duration and your browser settings).
  • Cookies transmit data about you and your use of the services, such as browser type, search preferences, job titles, data about displayed or clicked advertisements, and the date and time of your use. Cookies may also enable us and our service providers to collect data about your usage of our services, including text you input, screen recordings of mouse movements, and other interactions while browsing and using our services, even without having an account or profile.
  • We employ four types of cookies: Strictly Necessary, Functional, Analytics, and Targeting. You can find specific cookies falling into each category by using the cookie settings tool in the footer or settings of our websites.
  • Below are some examples of how we utilize cookies.
Purpose Explanation
Authentication We use cookies to determine whether you've signed in to the services and to keep you signed in while navigating different pages.
Security We use cookies to enable and support security features, prevent fraud, and safeguard your data from unauthorized access.
Preferences and Features We use cookies to enable features and provide personalized information, such as displaying recent search activity.
Advertising We use cookies to deliver, assess, and enhance advertising, including using your data to provide relevant advertising both within and beyond the services. Our ad partners may use cookies to determine if you've seen an ad, assess its performance, or provide us with data on how you interacted with it.
Analytics and Performance We use cookies to analyze how visitors use our services and to monitor site performance. These cookies help us identify and rectify errors, improve services, research and test different features, and track visitor traffic to our sites.

Targeting Cookies

  • We may collaborate with third parties (including affiliates) to deliver personalized and non-personalized advertising (collectively “ad partners”).
  • We may use cookies (both on and off our services), which may include data from our ad partners, to facilitate ad delivery to you.
  • We partner with third parties like Google Analytics to provide analytics services that use cookies on your device to evaluate advertising performance and track overall traffic to our services. We may also employ Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, categorizing cookie data to help us and our ad partners provide relevant and useful ads to you on our services and other websites across the internet. Furthermore, a cookie on certain affiliates, partners, or employer clients' sites may provide aggregate data about application submissions to those sites by users of our services.

When you use our services, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy. As we explain in our cookie banner (for users in jurisdictions where we display such a banner) and our cookie settings tool (accessible in the footer or settings of our service websites), we utilize various types of cookies to enhance your experience, understand service usage, and provide relevant advertising. Please note that certain cookies are essential for the performance of our services and cannot be opted out of.

  • Through our cookie settings tool, you have the option to reject all cookies except for Strictly Necessary ones or opt out of specific cookie categories at any time (as detailed above and within the tool). Although you can configure your browser to decline cookies, this may impact your user experience. You can also manage and delete cookies through your browser settings. For comprehensive information on managing cookies, please visit
  • If you enable location data for our mobile services (including app versions), your location may be used to display geo-targeted ads for local employers and advertisers. We may also derive your general location from your IP address. Location services can be disabled in your device's settings.
  • On select services, we may respond to "do not track" signals or similar mechanisms.

You also have the option to manage third-party cookies that might be used by our ad partners:

Data Controller & International Transfers

Data Controller

joblinx, owned and operated by Mikhail Anistratenko, is the data controller for our services. You can find us at Calle Ozuluama 6, Mexico City, Mexico 06100.


    • To opt out of receiving text messages, you must reply “STOP” from the device receiving the messages.
    • To unsubscribe from non-service-related emails, please use the unsubscribe or email settings link in the email(s) you receive. If you unsubscribe only from an individual type of email communication (e.g., a particular job alert), you may continue to receive other emails. We may also offer a settings function via our services to manage your email preferences.
    • To turn off push notifications, use in-app and/or operating system settings on your device.
    • Unless you choose to delete your account(s), you cannot unsubscribe from certain communications that are required as part of your use of our services (e.g., communications about changes to this Policy.)
  • joblinx does not discriminate against any user for exercising their privacy rights.
  • If you are unsatisfied with our response to your request, please use the contact information found at the bottom of this Policy to appeal. We will follow the same processes and policies as we do for the initial request, including verifying your identity and the nature of your request. In some jurisdictions, you may also have the right to file a complaint with the relevant regulatory authorities or in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this Policy or your personal data, please contact us:

Operator: Mikhail Anistratenko
Phone: +16502650253

We are committed to safeguarding your personal data and ensuring your privacy. Review our Policy periodically for any updates.

Last updated: 05 October 2023